Historical Sketch

TCC Church History and Articles

Tabernacle Christian Church began as a Sunday School of five (5) members. From this faithful group, the church originally known as Hill Chapel Christian Church was organized in 1917. The original church was built in 1923 and named Tabernacle Christian Church.

On Monday, February 20, 1961, the Church was destroyed by fire. The new sanctuary was built and dedicated on the third Sunday in July 1962. The mortgage was burned in September 1970.

To promote ecumenical services, the Church joined the United Church of Christ and changed its name to Tabernacle Christian United Church of Christ.

The Church’s previous pastors were the Reverend J. L. Reid, Reverend W. T. Faulk, Reverend J. O. Lee, Reverend James W. Morrison, and the Reverend Tommy Long, Sr.

The church has been under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Upton, Sr. since November 4, 1989. Under the leadership of Pastor Upton, the administration of the church has been restructured with new deacons, deaconesses, and trustees. The Music Department of the church was reorganized into the graduated music system, wherein the choirs have been divided into categories according to age groups.

The Wednesday night bible study class has grown tremendously, from approximately 6 to 40 - 50. Bible study is geared toward teaching the scriptures from a Christological perspective for the spiritual growth and development of each parishioner according to their faith.

The Tabernacle Christian United Church of Christ is located at 1401 E. Washington Street in the Cypress borough of Suffolk, Virginia. Tabernacle has a long and interesting history of dedicated Christian service and kingdom building. Its mission is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional needs of all people by spreading Christ’s liberating gospel through word and deed.

The Church is rooted in the traditional African American worship experience. Our music encompasses the familiar anthems, hymns, spirituals, and gospels. We are, without question, an unapologetic and unashamed Afro-centric church that worship within our cultural tradition. Our church’s former affiliation was with the Eastern Virginian Association (EVA) of Southern Conference of the United Church of Christ and was one of sixty (60) churches in the EVA.

As of December 2002, we became an independent church, known as Tabernacle Christian Church. In July 2006 Tabernacle moved into its new edifice located at 2500 East Washington Street, Suffolk.

The church’s organizational chart was adopted by the Church Conference as structured by the pastor. The church has 30 ministries to meet the needs of its disciples and community. The concerns of the Church are multi-faceted. The demands are such that Tabernacle is required to fill the void created; made by shrinking government dollars for education and social services. We have become a moral agent, the prophetic voice that urges the congregation, the community, the state and the nation to move toward wholeness.

We have accepted the mandate from our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ in Matthew 25: 34-40, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, and even take care of the stranger.

During Bishop Upton’s pastorate, we have initiated several entities or events: namely,

(1) Singles and Couples Ministries,

(2) Men’s Fellowship,

(3) Male Usher Board,

(4) Family & Friends Day, which brings approximately 1200 people to our morning worship services at John F. Kennedy Middle School


(5) Children’s Church, and

(6) an ecumenical Holy Week service every noonday.

His involvement in the community included serving on the Board of Directors for the Suffolk YMCA and being appointed to the board to elect the first black chief of police for the city of Suffolk in 1998. He presently serves on the Board of Directors for Northern Star Credit Union.


Bishop Upton is the Founding Prelate of the Greater Tidewater Fellowship of Churches; he provides leadership to this ecumenical group of roughly 20 congregations throughout the region. He is also a charter Executive Board member of the Hampton Roads Ecumenical Council of Bishops.

In furtherance of the vision, Bishop Upton met with the Church Conference in late 2012 and named Pastor Ben Fitzgerald, III as his successor at Tabernacle Christian Church. The appointment was well received by gathered congregation. Pastor Fitzgerald began serving as Senior Pastor under the covering of Bishop Upton at Tabernacle on the first Sunday of 2013. Pastor Fitzgerald was removed as Senior Pastor in August 2015.

In November 2015 the church went into foreclosure and Foundation Capital Resource took possession of the facility. Prior to that, Tabernacle tried to get several financial institutions to fund the repossession of the facility, but it was during the recession years of 2012 through 2016. We now have a lending institution that will lend 2.7 million dollars, but FDC wants 3.5 million. The facility has been vacant since 2015 with a group of people who worship in the Shephard Center.

Attorney Joseph Liberatore (the church legal representative) has been faithful to our church in so many ways, we cannot thank him enough for seeking financial help.

Since we have not worshipped at our former address, we have been holding Sunday Worship Services at John F. Kennedy Middle School and presently worshipping at Booker T. Washington Elementary School in Suffolk, Virginia.

Pastor Thomas Harden and the congregation at St. Timothy Baptist Church allowed us to use their annex building for bible study and choir rehearsals. We are thankful to several community churches for allowing us to use their church for funerals.

In 2019 through 2021, our pastor had a series of hip and back operations. Prior to this time, God sent Elder Marion J. Williams and his family to become a part of Tabernacle. During the time of our pastor’s illness, Elder Williams was there to help the ministry in so many ways. Elder Williams reorganized our Men’s Fellowship Ministry to support the schools where we held services and various outreach events for the community. He and his family relocated back to South Carolina in May 2022 where their family resides.

Our disciples have been faithful and committed during this transition period. We have faith in God and through our persistent prayers that HE answers prayers.

We believe it is possible and it is imperative that we recapture the freshness of the vision of being the incarnational presence of Christ in the community, planted there to help redeem people and places. We have become sensitized to the urgency of reclaiming our neighborhood and redefining the parameters of the meaning of membership within the body of Christ. Not only has Tabernacle become the center that responds to the deepest of spiritual needs, but we have also begun to deal with the whole person, with physical and social needs as well.

The congregation at Tabernacle has become responsive to the needs of the community and have begun to understand their plight. The church purchased a building and renovated it to house a Life Center. The church has truly become the missionary church that Jesus spoke about in the Gospel of Saint Matthew 25:35-36, “For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me,” our church intends to minister in this fashion and in other meaningful ways.


The Holy Scripture according to I Corinthians 14:40 teaches us to do all things decently and in order in the church. Therefore, we, the members of Tabernacle Christian Church, confessing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and accepting the Holy Scriptures as the rule of faith and practice, declare these following Articles the Constitution of this church.

ARTICLE I Name The name of this church shall be T a b e r n a c l e C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h, I n c.

ARTICLE II Purpose The avowed purpose of this church shall be to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the Church Universal; to render loving service toward mankind; to strive for righteousness, justice and peace.

ARTICLE III The doctrinal platform of this church shall be The Holy Bible as the inerrant infallible Word of God.

ARTICLE IV Church Polity

The government of this church is vested in its active disciples, who exercise the right of control in all its affairs, subject, however, to Laws of the State of Virginia relating to corporations not-for-profit or ecclesiastical corporations. The governing of this church comes under no authority or control of any other ecclesiastical organization. Also, none of its ministries or committees can usurp its discipleship power. This church shall have the right to govern itself according to the standards of the New Testament Scriptures, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3)

The governing body of this church shall be the disciples assembled in the church conference. The church conference meets on a quarterly basis to accomplish its business. The vote of a majority of active disciples present at the conference shall be the action of the church. A quorum shall consist of 25 active disciples. 


Special church meetings may be called at the discretion of the pastor or upon consensus of the Joint Ministries of Deacons and Trustees to carry out the business of the church in between the regular quarterly meeting.

ARTICLE V Faith and Covenant FAITH This church acknowledges as its sole Head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of Man. It acknowledges as brothers and sisters in Christ all who share in this confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world. It claims as its own the faith of the historic church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant Reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the church in each generation to make this faith its own.

In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the Practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognized two Sacraments: Baptism, and the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion.

COVENANT B We covenant one with another to seek and respond to the word and the will of God. We purpose to walk together in the ways of the Lord, made known and to be made known to us. We hold it to be the mission of the Church to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world, while worshiping God, and striving for truth, justice, and peace. As did our fathers, we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us. We pray to the coming of the kingdom of God, and we look with faith toward the triumph of righteousness and eternal life.

ARTICLE VI Church Membership

Discipleship in this church shall be open to any person who has been baptized, has been confirmed, or has made public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Based upon Romans 10:9: Persons may be received into the discipleship of the universal body of Christ by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, believing in His death, burial, and resurrection, and confessing his lordship by mouth. The following methods shall be acceptable ways of becoming an active covenant member of this congregation.

Baptism: A person who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and adopts substantially the views of faith and principles of this Church and is baptized by immersion may be received into the fellowship of the Church.

Letter: A person who is in substantial accord with the views of faith and the principles of this Church may be received by letter from another Christian church.

Experience: A believer of worthy character who has formerly been a member of a Christian church, but who for a sufficient reason cannot present a letter from the church, but who is in substantial accord with the views of faith and principles of this Church may be received upon statement of experience.

Restoration: A person who has lost discipleship or become inactive may be restored to discipleship upon completing a six-week new disciple’s class, and counsel from the Pastor and/or Deacons and/or designee by the Pastor.

Watch Care: A person who is a disciple of another Christian church but sojourning in this community for a brief period of time may be received into the discipleship of the Church for a three-to-six-month period. Students may unite under watch care while they are enrolled in a local institution of learning. Watch care disciples are not permitted to participate in church meetings and cannot vote on amendments to the constitution.

Disciples shall pledge themselves to attend the regular worship of the church and the celebration of the Lord's Supper; to live the Christian life; to share in the life and work of the church; to contribute to its support and benevolence; and to seek diligently the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community.

Any disciple may, on his own request, be granted a letter of transfer. If wishing to join a body not in fellowship with this church, he or she may be dismissed with a certificate of church discipleship. If, because of change of faith or for other reasons not involving un-Christian conduct, a discipleship requests in writing to be released from his discipleship obligations, the church shall patiently endeavor to secure his continuance in its fellowship; but failing in such effort, the church may grant the request and terminate his discipleship.

Such a request shall be approved by the senior Pastor and the Deacon Ministry, and the Secretary and/or Clerk shall issue the appropriate letter of release.

A disciple whose address has long been unknown or who for a period of one (1) year, in spite of spiritual care, has attended the church's worship or adequately contributed to its support, may, by recommendation of the Pastor and Deacon Ministry, be removed from the discipleship roll and placed on a conditional list.

If, after the expiration of six (6) months, the relationship remains unchanged, the name may be dropped from the conditional roll by a further vote of the Pastor and Deacon Ministry.

If a disciple persistently breaches his covenant vows, the pastors and the deacons, after due notice has been given to him or her, a hearing before the Church Conference has been offered him or her, and faithful efforts have been made to bring him to amendment in accordance with the law of Christ, may censure him, or suspend or terminate his or her membership.

Disciples in good standing and considered active have the following rights:

To vote. Every disciple of this church is entitled to a vote at all elections on questions submitted for a vote.

To participate in the various activities and ministries of the church.

To serve on committees, boards, ministries, and to hold office.

To use the church edifice for special services such as weddings and funerals.

Disciples at large are members of the church elected by the church and installed in their office. They should be such persons as can assume leadership in the various ministries or committees of the Church.


ARTICLE VII Pastor/Bishop

It shall be the responsibility of the Pulpit Committee, or by the Church Conference to seek a candidate for a vacancy in the office of Pastor.

As soon as a pastoral vacancy occurs, it shall be reported to the chairperson of the Deacon Ministry.

The Pulpit Committee shall present to the church the name of the candidate it recommends to fill the vacancy. A favorable vote of the church constitutes a call.

In the call, the terms of the relationship shall be stated, including the agreement of the church to participate in a pension plan, health insurance program, and other terms agreed between the candidate and the Committee.

The minister, the church, the Association, and the Conference Executive shall each receive a copy of the call.

When a minister accepts a call to this church, the church and he or she shall join in arranging a service of installation or recognition.

The Pastor shall be elected for an indefinite period. In order to terminate this relationship, three months notice shall be given by either party. The procedure shall be in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the Church.

When either party decides to terminate the relationship, the termination shall be by action of the Church.

The Assistant Pastor shall be appointed by the Pastor.

Any minister associated with the church shall be properly licensed as required by the Church before he can assist in the pastoral duties.

The pastor shall preach the gospel, administer the ordinances, watch over the membership and have charge of the spiritual welfare of the congregation and the stated services of public worship.

The pastor is the chief executive officer of all Boards, Committees, and Ministries of the Church and its auxiliary organizations.

The pastor shall be responsible for moderating church conference meetings and other appropriate business meetings of the church.

The Pastor will not preside over agenda items in conference meetings when his character is in question or personal affairs, such as salary; raises; and personal budget are being discussed.

When it is necessary to call a pastor, the Church shall select a representative Pulpit Committee of seven (7) members.

It shall be the duty of this committee to take the necessary steps to secure a pastor. The committee shall investigate the merits of every candidate under consideration in regard to personal character; education, ministerial record, and preaching ability in determining his fitness for said pastorate.

When a suitable candidate is found, the committee shall recommend that person to the church for consideration. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to recommend one name for consideration.

The call of pastor shall come before the church at a regularly scheduled or called business meeting. Notice of such meeting and its purpose having been read from the pulpit on three (3) consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting.

Fifty percent of the active membership on the church roll shall constitute a quorum for electing a pastor.

A vote of 2/3 majority of the active members present at the meeting shall be necessary to extend a call. Only one candidate shall be presented to the church at one time. The vote shall be by written ballot.

The pastor shall have the authority to appoint his leadership staff and remove those officers who are derelict in their duties.

This, in no way, will be a conflict with the church still having the right to select trustees, but will give the pastor certain latitudes in selecting his staff.

The pastor shall be called for an indefinite period of time, with salary and benefits, as defined by the contract at the time of call.

Vacation, with pay shall be the recommendation of the budget committee and shall be approved by a vote of the congregation in a regular church meeting.

The Pastors compensation package shall be reviewed annually by the budget committee of the church and recommendations made to the corporate body of the discipleship.

The Church will provide the total support/cost for the Pastor=s attendance to all conferences and conventions of his choice.

A Pastor's term of office may be ended upon thirty (30) days of notification by the pastor or the church. If the church requests termination of the pastoral contract the following severance package will be paid to the pastor.

1 - 5 years of service 4 weeks of pay

6 - 10 years of service 8 weeks of pay

11 - 15 years of service 12 weeks of pay

16 - 20 years of service 16 weeks of pay

20+ years of service 26 weeks of pay

Termination of the pastor shall be voted on at a regular, or called, business meeting, notice of such meeting and its purpose having been read three (3) consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting.

Fifty percent of the active membership roll shall constitute a quorum for voting on removing the pastor.

A 2/3 vote of the qualified voters present at the meeting shall constitute a valid termination of said office.

In the event the Church considers it wise to have one or more assistant pastors, the pastor is given authority to select such assistant, subject to the consent of the Church body, who will also decide if or not the assistant is to be compensated.

The pastor has the sole responsibility of recognizing and licensing disciples who are called of God into the ministry upon the pastors.

The pastor is the spiritual leader and executive head of the church and shall direct and supervise the administrative functions of the church.

The Pastor shall supervise all staff persons.

The pastor shall guide and/or arrange for the leadership of public worship moments.

He shall preach the gospel, teach as required, and officiate at funerals, weddings, baptisms, and communion.

He shall provide pastoral care to the members as requested and/or needed.

The pastor shall be engaged as a full-time spiritual servant to the congregation.

The pastor shall be properly ordained, have seminary training or be willing to enroll in a seminary program within an agreed period of time after accepting the pastoral call, and be of exemplary deportment and character. 

In the advent of a Pastoral breach of Christian behavior or conduct, the Deacon Ministry will be convened to determine the validity of any accusations and/or concerns. No action shall be taken unless a majority of the advisory council agrees that such action is necessary in order to preserve the spiritual life and vitality of the church.

The Pastor will be presented with the determination of the advisory council and will meet with the attempt to satisfactorily resolve the matter. This process shall be done in a confidential manner and none of those involved shall be free to communicate to individuals other than advisory council members concerning this matter, unless approved by two-thirds of the advisory council.

If no resolution can be achieved within a reasonable period of time, the dispute will then be presented to members of the church. All communications made to members of the church concerning such a dispute or concern shall be presented in as fair and objective a manner as possible. A 2/3 vote of the qualified voters present at the meeting shall constitute a valid decision of the congregation, based upon the concerns.

ARTICLE VIII Church Officers

The church elected officers shall be required to tithe and participate actively and regularly in the worship life of the church. All officers shall further be required to actively participate in at least one teaching moment in the life of the church, i.e., Sunday School or weekly Bible Study. Considering financial hardship, the minimum acceptable amount of giving from an officer shall be $25.00 per week. Officer giving shall be checked quarterly with those officers falling under the requirements duly notified in writing. Upon being notified and given an opportunity to respond to their breach of office, if there is no improvement in obligations the officer shall be removed.

All elected officers, paid and unpaid staff persons, shall be required to read this constitution and sign a statement confirming their understanding of the practices and procedures outlined in this document.

The elected officers of the church shall be: View Church Leadership

Any assistant pastor shall report directly to the pastor and his/her duties will be defined by the pastor subject to consent of the church membership.

The role of the Assistant Pastor is as stated: to assist the pastor in his overall responsibilities and administration of the church. The assistant pastor reports directly to the pastor and his/her duties are defined by the pastor subject to consent of the church body. The assistant pastor has no authority or power other than that designated to him/her by the pastor with the consent of the church membership.

In the absence of the pastor, the assistant pastor shall preach the gospel as required, make assignments to all associate ministers with the approval of the pastor, administer the ordinances, help monitor the membership and have charge of the spiritual welfare of the congregation and the stated services of public worship. He/she shall help in teaching Bible Study and any other areas of teaching that may be required.

The assistant pastor has indirect supervision of the associate ministers as prescribed by the pastor to accomplish the ministry and mission of the church. The assistant pastor shall have a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree and studying to receive a Master of Divinity from a creditable school of theology.

The assistant pastor shall be called for an indefinite period of time, with salary and benefits established when the church is able to provide such services. He/She shall receive two (2) weeks’ vacation with pay. His/Her work schedule, due to fund restraints, shall be for 20-30 hours per week. The salary of the assistant pastor shall be reviewed annually.

The assistant pastor is responsible for the historical records of the church, keeping them accurate and safely filed or he/she may designate a church historian to keep such records.

The pastor, alone, has the right and privilege to terminate the assistant pastor with or without the consensus of the Deacons Ministry for immoral, unchristian behavior, ministry insubordination, and/or dereliction of duties.

Associate Ministers/Elders 

Upon recommendation from the pastor, the church shall license individuals to serve as ministers of the gospel in the capacity as preachers, and/or evangelists. All candidates for ministry should have proven their call into the gospel ministry and have completed a period of training with the pastor and/or his designee before license shall be provided. The congregation shall approve all provisions of the license for the ministry. Upon the request of the pastor, the congregation shall have the right to revoke any issued minister=s license for founded grounds of immorality, unchristian conduct or ministry insubordination, in which the reputation of the church and its ministry has adversely been affected.

All licenses shall be extended to every associate in two-year intervals. Associates will be evaluated on an annual basis by the pastor. Any associate that does not meet his/her obligations shall be placed in an inactive status until the pastor deems it necessary to restore one to their position. If an associate leaves the church under any adverse conditions, his/her license is to be returned to the pastor.

All associates should be engaged in some form of religious study from a creditable institution of theology.

Associate Ministers are under the direct supervision of the pastor, and under the indirect supervision of the assistant pastor as prescribed by the pastor to accomplish the ministry and mission of the church.


There shall be a ministry of trustees that includes a number of individuals as deemed necessary by the congregation to appropriately handle the business of the church. The trustees shall serve as agents of the church over the financial affairs. As such they are charged with safeguarding the assets, which include by is not limited to:

1. Maintaining a current inventory of all furnishings and equipment.

2. Maintaining all church owned and operated motor vehicles.

3. Planning the long-range maintenance of the physical plant.

4. Maintaining appropriate facility security.

5. Counting all monies collected by the church at all church related activities.

6. Work in conjunction with the treasurer on depositing all monies.

7. Making recommendations to the congregation, diaconate, and pastor for improving the financial affairs of the church.

The Trustee ministry shall choose bi-annually a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and a secretary and shall meet quarterly or as required. The Chairperson may call special meetings. The Secretary shall notify the other members. A majority of the trustees shall constitute a quorum.

The Trustee ministry shall hold in trust all property belonging to the Church and shall take all necessary measures for its protection, management, and upkeep. It shall make recommendations for the use of the Church buildings for all extra or secular purposes, but it shall have no power to buy mortgage or lease or transfer any property without specific vote of the Church authorizing such action. It shall recommend the bank where the funds of the Church shall be deposited. All trustees shall be a copy of the criteria for the Trustee Ministry.

Diaconate Ministry (Deacon/Deaconess)

There shall be a diaconate ministry comprised of ordained Deacons. The number of Deacons on the diaconate shall be determined by the needs of the congregation and the pastor. Members of the diaconate ministry shall be ordained to their working according to Acts 6:1-8 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

As the need arises, this office may be filled upon recommendation from the Pastor and the diaconate ministry to the Church at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Church.

Those persons to be accepted by the Church to fill the office of a Deacon must pass the test of moral qualifications as listed in the above-mentioned Scriptures.

Any member who feels that a candidate is not suited for the office must apprize the pastor and communicate the charges in writing and in person before the candidate at a meeting of the pastor and members of the diaconate to determine the validity of the charges. Specific charges must be brought and stated in writing, presenting evidence that is clear and convincing, as to its truth.

Remember the words of Jesus, AHe that is without sin, let him cast the first stone.

Persons passing the test will be placed on probation for six (6) months to (1) year at which time they will undergo rigorous training and preparation for the task. At the end of this period and upon recommendation by the pastor to the Church, the candidate or candidates shall be ordained.

Deacons shall hold office for a period of four (4) years, at which time their service to the congregation shall be reviewed and an additional four-year term of service approved.

Any Deacon who for a period of three (3) months, fails to perform the duties of this office faithfully, automatically vacates the same. The Church and/or pastor may, for good and sufficient cause, remove any Deacon from office. 


The deacon and deaconess are both under the supervision of the pastor. There should not be any spirit of competition or conflict among them as to their respective offices and duties. To have such a spirit will cause them to miss the joy of their work for the Lord.


The Apostle Paul may have had the deaconess in mind when he instructs Timothy, as part of the qualification for the deacon, The women likewise must be serious, no slanderers, but temperate, faithful in all things (I Tim. 3:11 RSV). Through this may apply to the views of deacons, the qualifications should characterize those who serve the Church as deaconesses. Paul gives Timothy a list of qualifications for the office of deacon (1 Tim. 3:8-13). These qualifications apply equally to the deaconess allowing for the natural difference between the sexes.

The deaconess should first be one who can turn from the care of a family, now grown, to the care of the family of God.

The deaconess should be serious in appearance, manner, and decorum. In the high office to which she has appointed the dimensions of the task demand the best, she can give.

The deaconess should especially not be double-tongued. Some are inclined to accuse women of being prone to idle words, gossip, and even slander. It is of vital importance that the deaconess be especially guarded in conversation with strict adherence to the truth, Speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). The admonition regarding the power of the tongue (James 3:1-12) should be remembered at all times.

Deaconess should, above all, be devout, holy women of God. They will recognize the Bible as God=s word and always show proper reverence and devotion. It is also of utmost importance that they maintain an active personal prayer life and devote much time to the study of the word.

Only women who can work harmoniously together should serve as a deaconess.

Membership and Organization

The presiding officer can be appointed by the pastor or elected from the body with the consent of the pastor, who may give this officer the privilege of selecting others to work with her. Persons so selected should be done so with the approval of the pastor.

The pastor and the deaconess are fellow servants of Jesus Christ. Because of the office to which the clergy are ordained, they are entitled to reverent respect.

Pastors are God's representatives in the church; and God requires that they be honored for their office.

AWe beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake (I Thess. 5:12-13).

Deaconess will always remember that they exist to assist the pastor. They will always respect his position, work together with him and be loyal to him.

Women who serve as deaconess deal with things that are sacred so it is wise to have only such women who are devout Christians.

They should be regular in attendance, willing to learn, with a right attitude toward the pastor and the church. They must be willing to carry out their responsibilities with joy, gratitude and love for the Lord. There is no greater privilege for laywomen in the Church, and only women who appreciate this fact should be asked to serve as deaconess.

Essential to a good Deaconess Ministry are competent officers. The president, appointed by the pastor or elected by the body, will work closely with him. Other officers are elected by the Board at an annual organizational meeting.

The president conducts meetings, assigns and supervises the work of the Board, and carries out plans and directives from the pastor.

The vice-president presides when the president is absent and assists the president in the coordination and supervision of the Board.

The secretary keeps record of meeting and notifies members of meetings and assignments.

The treasurer is in charge of financial transactions, dues and keeps financial records of the Board. Committees and other officers may be selected as deemed necessary. Regular monthly meeting fosters good communications as well as opportunities for learning.

Meetings should take place at church, if at all possible. Meetings are called to order by the president. Prayer and scripture are an important part of the meeting. The agenda usually includes roll call, reports, old and new business, and study. The matter of paying dues should be decided by the Board members.

The deaconess ministry shall bi-annually choose a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer and shall meet regularly each month.

The deaconess ministry shall in every way assist the pastor, cooperate with the pastor in providing the pulpit supply and the leaders of the prayer meeting; visit the members; care for the sick, needy and distressed members of the Church, use the Benevolent Fund as may be needed and in the preparation of the observances of the Ordinances of the Church.

The deaconess ministry shall promote Christian instruction and ministry to the Church membership; provide for the Ordinances and aid in their administration; make a written report at each regular church meeting.

The deacons shall primarily minister to the needs of the men of the congregation while the deaconess minister to the needs of the women.

Duties of the Deaconess

In cooperation with and under the guidance of the pastor, deaconesses can bring their own touch to many services.

The Ordinance of Baptism: When girls or women who have recently been saved are to be baptized, a deaconess can be instrumental in helping the candidate realize the importance of the event. Baptism is more than a simple ceremony. It is an outward expression of deep inward belief. The deaconess should maintain such an active prayer life, have such and abiding faith in Christ that it can be transmitted to all around her. She will thus be an example of what a mature, spirit-filled Christian is like. As such, she can do much to make the baptism experience enrich the spiritual life of the candidate.

Before the baptism takes place, deaconess should be certain that the facilities for the women are clean. In addition to checking to see that the baptistry is filled, the water is at proper temperature, candidates should be instructed as to what supplies to bring and clothing to wear. If the church provides baptismal gowns, it is the responsibility of the deaconess to see that each candidate is issued a gown that is clean, well-fitting and in good repair. The candidates should be dressed and ready for service before they enter the sanctuary for worship. They may leave quietly at a time shortly before the baptism service.

Every effort should be made to make this memorable experience conducted prayerfully in a spirit-filled atmosphere. It is also the duty of the deaconess to see that the baptistry is left clean after each baptismal service. All baptismal robes and towels should be clean and in their proper place for the next service. 

The observance of the Holy Communion or Lords Supper provides another area of service for the deaconess. Though deaconess do not serve the congregation, the care of the linens and the communion utensils are in their charge. The preparation of the sacramental elements is entrusted to her charge. Preparation for the service of Holy Communion includes being sure that the linens are fresh and clean, that the trays and glasses are clean and polished, the elements (the bread and juice) are freshly prepared and the table is correctly arranged for the pastor and his assisting ministers. It is also their duty to clean all sacred vessels after the service and see that all linens are cleaned, ironed and in their proper place of storage until ready to be used again. The service of Holy Communion was instituted by Jesus on the night in which He was betrayed. It is the chief service of the church. It is in obedience to his command, This do in remembrance of Me, that the church observes this sacrament.

Since there are those who are ill and unable to attend the service at the church, the communion must be carried to them. It is the responsibility of the deaconess to be sure that the pastor has the necessary supplies available for Communion of the sick.

If and when we observe the sacrament of Washing of the Saints feet, it is the duty of the deaconess to have ready the basins, towels and water. The foot washing areas are separate for the men and women so the deaconess must be certain that the supplies needed are in both areas.

The altar and chancel area should be kept clean at all times. Since most of our churches do not have altar guilds as such, this is the duty of the deaconess. The altar covering must be kept clean and vested in the proper color for the church year. The altar cross, candlesticks, vases and all brasses, must be kept polished. They should be handled with a soft, clean cloth and not with bare hands. Wax drippings should be removed from the candlesticks with hot water or by rubbing with soft cloths. No sharp instruments should be used that might scratch the brass. Always check the altar before each service to be certain that everything is arranged properly and the candles are straight.

Flowers for the altar and the chancel are often the responsibility of the deaconess. Flower arrangements enhance the beauty of the chancel and lend impressiveness to the service. Flowers on the altar should never be taller than the arms of the altar cross. They should always be kept fresh and removed when they are wilted. For special services, as Easter and Christmas, special flowers are used and in greater abundance. This also applies for weddings. However, for all services, the focal point and center of worship is the altar, so all church decorations should be arranged to guide eyes beyond themselves to the altar and the cross.

All work must be done reverently. There should be no unnecessary talking, particularly in the sanctuary. Deaconess should go about their duties quickly, quietly, and inconspicuously.

Marriages shall be between a male and a female of natural birth. Transgender marriages will not be performed at this church.


The treasurer shall be elected to serve four (4) years. The treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Church and make all the deposits made in the name of the Church. The treasurer shall receive all monies belonging to the Church, except the benevolent fund or others so designated by the Church. The treasurer and baking procedures shall be reviewed annually by the financial secretary and the budget committee.


A church parliamentarian shall be elected on a four (4) year term at the year-end church meeting and shall serve as the guide for interpreting parliamentary procedures during regular church meetings and call meetings as required.

ARTICLE IX Church Ministry Staff

The pastor or his designee shall supervise the church ministry staff. All salaries and compensation of church ministry staff shall be determined and recommended by the budget committee to the church for vote at regular church meetings. The pastors shall have management authority over all church ministry staff and based upon said authority shall be able after prayerful consideration to terminate employment of ministry staff personnel for reasons of insubordination, immoral or unchristian conduct, disregard of covenant vows, or other justifiable cause. The pastor shall be able after prayerful consideration, and counsel from ministry leadership to hire additional ministry staff for staff replacement or ministry growth, as long as the congregation approves staff salaries based upon a budget committee recommendation.

All staff shall be reviewed annually by the pastor and/or his designee.

Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Accountable to: The Senior Pastor Staffing Department: Ministerial Staff and Business Administration Staff Position Summary: To provide for all areas of business and administration in Tabernacle Christian Church (TCC) by supervising business staff personnel and providing administrative support for ministry and program staff.

Position Type: Presently this position being occupied by the pastor's wife.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

• Act as a liaison between the Ministerial Staff, Office Staff, and Senior Pastor.

• Informing the Senior Pastor as needed of the administrative facets of TCC (any and all new technology.)

• Ensure that all ministries who have scheduled programs, activities, and events on the church calendar are planning three months in advance. Receive complaints from the ministries before it is brought to the pastor's attention.

• Serve as one of the primary purchasing agents for administrative needs.

• Assist the Trustee Ministry in annual inventory of all church property, verifying the presence and condition of all church owned equipment.

• Assist the Church Secretary in the managing and overseeing of the church's computer system and office equipment.

• Organize and direct the work of the church office.

• Develop effective standards, procedures, and working methods.

• Develop a Volunteer Work Program to assist with office work as needed.

• Act as a liaison for Media Communications and oversee the bookstore. 

Work Requirements:

• Strong commitment to the Pastor, Vision, and overall ministry of TCC.

• Strong work ethics (reliable, dependable, and punctual.)

• Support and encourage disciples of TCC staff in their designated area of work.

Financial Secretary

  • shall be a paid ministry position
  • shall be reviewed annually by the pastor and/or his designee (preferable the Trustee Ministry Chairman)
  • shall furnish each member of the Church envelopes for contributions to church funds (to include selection of envelopes appropriate to the Church's need); and to keep a correct account thereof between the Church and its members.
  • shall keep an accurate account of all monies received by the Church and send a monthly statement to the treasurer

        will send out personal statements to all members at least once a year, listing their gifts, and upon request as soon as possible

  • shall prepare a quarterly report of the names of those members who have failed to make any contributions of record toward church expenses or funds 
  • shall submit his records upon request of the Church to the auditors
  • shall keep an accurate record of the receipts and disbursements of all ministries, groups, and boards
  • all checks drawn by the financial secretary shall be in the name of the Church. The financial secretary shall keep separate accounts of all funds raised or contributed for particular purpose. NO funds shall be disbursed by the financial secretary except for the purpose of which they were raised or contributed.
  • shall submit to the Church a report showing the actual financial condition of the Church at each regular church meeting
  • shall serve as the chair for the budget committee
  • shall be bonded

Finance Staff: All persons managing and counting funds of the Church shall be bonded, particularly the Finance Secretary, Treasurer and Trustees.

The Church Sextant shall be a paid position. The church sextant shall be responsible for the daily maintenance, cleaning, and operations of the physical plant of the church, to include but not be limited to; yard maintenance, interior maintenance, and minor repairs.

The Minster to the Youth (Youth Minister) shall be a paid ministry position. The Youth Minister shall be responsible for service and ministry to the youth of the church, primarily but not limited to youth 13 years of age and below. This person shall be involved in the planning and organization of youth ministry moments such as youth church, after-school programs, Youth Bible study moments, and other youth ministry vision as the Holy Spirit shall give, and needs arise. The youth minister shall supervise all youth worker and employ the assistance of a youth council. The youth minister shall be responsible for yearly budget planning and management.

Minister of Christian Education shall be responsible for planning, organizing an implementing the main church training moments to include but not be limited to; Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Bible Study, Leadership Training, New Members Classes, library and the Church Training Institute. The Minister of Christian Education shall be free to bring vision as the Holy Spirit gives guidance and needs arise. The Christian Education Minister shall be responsible for yearly budget planning and management.

Minister of Music shall be a paid position. The Minister of Music shall be responsible for implementing the vision and ministry as the Holy Spirit shall guide.

The minister shall guide the ministries of: the Praise and Worship Team, Sunbeam Choir, Youth Choir, Mass Choir, and Male Chorus.

This minister shall be responsible for providing music leadership at all worship experiences of our church including outside fellowship moments, weddings, funerals, revivals, and special day celebrations.

The Minister of Music shall supervise all associate musicians and choir personnel.

This minister shall be responsible for all music selection and shall serve as the accountable leader of all choirs. Presidents of choirs shall serve in leadership roles as elected by the choir body but shall be under the leadership of the Minister of Music.

The Minister of Music shall plan and manage yearly budget operations.

The Minister of Men and the Minister of Women shall be responsible for planning and implementing ministry for the women and men of our congregation. These ministries include but are not limited to; singles ministry, praise dancers, men's fellowship, missionary society, and special day celebrations such as men's retreats and women's retreats, men's day, women's day, etc. These ministers shall be responsible for yearly budget and planning management.

The pastor shall have authority to temporarily remove from office or silence any ministry head that has proven to be a spiritual deterrent to the church or has been found to be grossly immoral or found to have exhibited severe unchristian behavior.

The pastor shall, after prayerful consideration and counsel from the diaconate ministry, at the next regular church meeting, bring the concerns to the congregation for action.

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