About Us

ABOUT Tabernacle Christian Church

"A Church Called, Anointed, and Appointed" is the theme for our church. Our Church family is truly committed and dedicated to the ministry of Jesus Christ. We are ambassadors for the Kingdom here on Earth. We seek to:

• increase community awareness and spread the word of Jesus

• help people to grow and learn through mutual support and care

• be a good neighbor to people in need and to challenge injustice

• to encourage more followers to reach the unreached New Member Orientation classes are offered for those interested in baptism or membership. Membership is by baptism or by the transfer of membership from another congregation.

Tabernacle Ministries

 Sunday School Department

Wednesdays Noonday Prayer and Bible Study at 7:00 PM via Conference Call 667-770-1035, Access Code 771054

Acolyte Ministry

Deacon Ministry

Trustee Ministry

Deaconess Ministry

New Converts Class

Music Ministry/Praise Team

Willing Workers

Youth Ministry

Usher Ministry

Men’s Fellowship Ministry

Women’s Fellowship Ministry

Kitchen Staff

Old Church 1917 -2005

New Church 2006 - 2015

New Edifice's Hallway

In Memory of Dea. James L White

Women's Fellowship Ministry Gathering

Breast Cancer Month

Men's Fellowship Ministry - Community Service at

Booker T Washington Elem. School

Team Seven Committee - Enjoying Dinner and a Play

TCC & Women's Ministry delivering Christmas Cheer for the Angel Tree

Dining Hall all decorated for our "Rainbow Tea"

Tabernacle celebrated 105 Years of Ministry on May 22, 2022 -

Linda Ward and Committee did an outstanding job

Men's Fellowship sponsored a "Free Fish Fry" - Community Service

Youth Day at TCC - Youth enjoyed skating

Thursday then Worship Service Sunday

Women's Fellowship Ministry enjoying breakfast at Village Inn

Christmas/New Year's (Holy Communion) Services & Birthdays/Christmas for Bishop Carlton & Elect-Lady Constance Upton

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